jueves, 7 de junio de 2007


Greeen socks is a very good publicity, and I am completly agree with this theme because is a form of identy to the school. I thing that the are green because is a very strabagant thing and we are the only one that have this type of socks.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2007


The cafetiria is located beside the parking is best place of the school because have a good ventilation, you can eat variaty of food and also you meet with you friends of others clses or of others grades.


I think that the base of this school are the values, but some people don't respect them and make a bat ambient in bach and in the others parts of the school, I think that the values that we need to respect and obey to get a good ambient are: Respect, responsability, tolerance, solidarity.


Icontec rules are a very useful thing to write documents, this rules explain each step to get a good precentation. Some examples are to put nemeration to the pages, titles on capital leters, bibliograpy, you can put pictures to decoration or you can put tables to organise information. This are some of the rules that I remenber from the last essay that I did.

lunes, 28 de mayo de 2007


Now days this is a common theme in colombian people this is because the wave of violence began when Jorge Eliecer Gaitan was killed, the two politics bands "liberales y conservadores" began a civil war into them, these caused many kills and other bigs problems. Some of them can be the creation of M19, AUC, Guerilla, ELN, and others groups on the margen of the law, and these groups causes also many deads. Now days we are triying to improve by desmovilize the integrants of the AUC.

Global Warming

Global warming is problem that affect all the persons of the world, this is caused because the industrialisation we have began to damge the ozone lawyer, and all the rays of the sun stay in heer, this problem in spanish is called "efecto invernadero", so think about this big problem and react quikly because if it's very late we can lose our home.

jueves, 24 de mayo de 2007

Ernesto Che Guevara

Ernesto Che Guevara 1928-1967, it was a hero, because he dedicate his life to the benefice of the others, he was born in Argentina but almost all the life he was on Cuba, also I like a frase that he said:

"He nacido en la Argentina; no es un secreto para nadie. Soy cubano y también soy argentino y, si no se ofenden las ilustrísimas señorías de Latinoamérica, me siento tan patriota de Latinoamérica, de cualquier país de Latinoamérica, como el que más y, en el momento en que fuera necesario, estaría dispuesto a entregar mi vida por la liberación de cualquiera de los países de Latinoamérica, sin pedirle nada a nadie, sin exigir nada, sin explotar a nadie".

I think that if all the persons of latin america have this mentality we can get many things, but because all the thing that benfice others we don't like it, Ernesto was killed in the town of Higuera.This is the thing that happend to the persons that want to progress.